Dimitrios Mavridis

Dimitrios Mavridis
Dimitrios MavridisAGREE Collaboration - Member
University of Ioannina

Dimitris Mavridis holds a PhD from the Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business. He is an assistant professor of Statistics at the Department of Primary Education in the University of Ioannina. He has formed The Evidence Synthesis Methods team, an academic research group focusing on methods for synthesizing evidence of individual studies to infer about the efficacy and safety of any type of interventions (e.g. educational, medical, psychological etc.).

He is associate editor for the ‘Statistics in Practice’ series of the journal Evidence Based Mental Health, associate editor in Research Synthesis Methods, co-editor and statistical advisor for the Cochrane Developmental, Psychological and Learning Problems Group.

He participates in the projects ‘Comparing effectiveness of self-management interventions in 4 high priority chronic diseases in Europe (COMPAR-EU)’; and ‘Optimising pharmacotherapy in the multimorbid elderly (OPERAM)’, supported by Horizon 2020 grants.